AHVAP Monthly eNews

Past President's Council: Congratulations, Dee Donatelli, RN, BSN, MBA, 2022 AHVAP Brooke Berson Founder’s Award Recipient

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About the Brooke Berson Founder’s Award:

Approximately 22 years ago, an RN named Brooke Berson was positioned in a new role within her organization’s Purchasing Department. Brooke immediately networked with her colleagues for assistance including clinician benchmarking practices and long behold, a listserv was created. The listserv grew and developed over the next few years creating a non-profit, education-based professional organization we all know as AHVAP.

The Brooke Berson Founder’s Award is recognized annually at AHVAP’s Conference and Supplier Showcase to an exceptional value analysis professional. This year’s Brooke Berson Founder’s Award Recipient was honored to Dee Donatelli, an AHVAP founder, Past President, industry mentor, and participant in many AHVAP committees and task force positions over the years. Dee has given over 100 lectures in her career continuously promoting the value of AHVAP membership, and advocating nationally, regionally, and locally across both providers and suppliers. Dee has developed an industry Value Analysis educational program specifically to educate supplier partners in collaboration with AHVAP professionals. Her passion for Value Analysis and goal for continuous education has led to the development of AHVAP’s Certification Exam, involvement in maturation work, a contributor to the evolution of AHVAP’s Healthcare Value Analysis Continuum, and the automation of healthcare Value Analysis systems. Dee’s diverse professional expertise is proven as a true advocate that AHVAP is all things of Value Analysis to our industry.


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