2022 CVAHP Workshop
As they say, the 2022 CVAHP Workshop is “in the books.” A big round of applause goes out to Anne Marie Orlando, Sandra Monacelli-McNall, B.J. McCluskey, and Susan Miller, our speakers. We appreciate the time and energy they invested to prepare and present on behalf of AHVAP and CVAHP.
According to reports from our speakers, attendance was at an all-time high (had to add chairs), and in spite of technical difficulties and a delayed start, the speakers presented content on the four foundational pillars of healthcare value analysis and made time for questions and answers. Today, we received notice of the first AHVAP member to successfully complete the exam following the workshop. Congratulations!
If you attended the workshop, or if you are preparing for the exam and have questions, you may direct your questions to any of our speakers or to CVAHP Committee co-chairs, Beth Potter at pottermama@gmail.com or Toni Young at ayoung@chs-mi.com.
We’ll be looking forward to notices of at least 24 new certifications by the end of 2022. Remember, testing is conveniently available nationally or internationally either in-person or remotely.
Become a CVAHP-certified AHVAP member. Sign up and schedule your exam today!
Overall, the conference was well versed in speakers and as various ways of practicing Value Analysis every day, there was a great breadth of knowledge that was new to many. New friendships were created, and previous contacts reconnected for three days bringing together all of the facets that make Value Analysis such a fantastic career to work in. We all sincerely thank the AHVAP Conference Committee for organizing another phenomenal annual conference.