Message from AHVAP President-Elect
As I sit and reflect on the last 30 days in our AHVAP journey, I am reminded of all the amazing happenings that support you, our AHVAP Members. I also just recently finished watching one of my very favorite TV shows, New Amsterdam. In that final episode, Max Goodwin reflected on how his personal motto became “How can I help?”
And as I compared this to our recent AHVAP journey, this motto “How can I help?” really sums up our AHVAP approach to supporting you, our AHVAP members. Below are just a few examples of this improved member support developed with and by our new management partner:
- amazing customer service
- the certification concierge service
- increased education with CEU credit offered
- development of our AHVAP certification center
- certification office hours,
- new member website orientation
- new newsletter format
- certification digital badges
As both our personal and professional world experience less and less excellent service and less focus on you, it is our promise and pledge to you to continue to develop and implement ways to support you, our treasured AHVAP member. We will continue to look for ways to deliver on Max Goodwin’s promise, “how can I help?”
Karen Niven, MS, RN, CVAHP™
President-Elect, Board of Directors