Message from AHVAP President
Dear AHVAP Members,
Happy holidays AHVAP members! It’s hard to believe the holiday season is here again, and we are closing out this calendar year. As I take a moment and reflect on the accomplishments we tackled this year as an Association, I am grateful to have such an amazing group of Board members, industry partners, and members who helped synergize our new mission, vision, values, and purpose. Many of you experienced frustration with our services, our professional development offerings, and wanted more value out of your membership. We heard you! Changing over to a new management company, adopting changes to the AHVAP Bylaws, allowing Board members a longer tenure to sustain tribal knowledge and consistency, developing position statements and competencies, launching a Fellows program, designing a multiyear strategic plan, increasing member benefits as well as having a stronger presence on social media are just a few of the changes we made. We will continue to listen and strive to provide you and your value analysis teams with world-class, accredited clinical education and professional development opportunities.
I want to take a moment and thank the outgoing Board members for their steadfast dedication to AHVAP and for their volunteer service: Susan Toomey, Shannon Hicks, Dr. Gloria Graham, and Jeff Borgstrom. We are a stronger organization from their contributions to improve healthcare value analysis and our profession. Thank you all very much! I also want to take a moment and recognize our incoming 2024 Board members: Karen Niven, Anne Marie Orlando, Sharon Roberts, Sandy Wise, Sandra Monacelli, Erin Arnold, and Dan Toomey. This robust team of healthcare industry leaders with a variety of clinical, professional, and operational expertise will continue to push AHVAP into the future so we can have a lasting impact on the profession of value analysis. It is an honor and privilege to continue on the Board next year as your past president. Finally, I want to thank Dr. Garrett and the amazing team at AHVAP HQ for their commitment to serve our members, our industry, and the communities we serve every day. We appreciate you!
The future of our AHVAP is strong, bright, and will drive the direction of the specialty of Healthcare Value Analysis. Our multiyear strategic plan is designed to keep us on the right track for growth in the profession and development of our future leaders. We need each of our members, partners, and collaborators with us on the AHVAP train that is propelling us into the future. Together, we can make healthcare in our communities better than we found it. Stay tuned for details on exciting new educational programming in 2024. Until then, happy holidays and happy New Year to each of you, your families and loved ones, and your amazing value analysis teams.
Kind Regards,
Elizabeth Eisenberg, MSN, RN, CVAHP™
2023 AHVAP President
Board of Directors