Message from AHVAP President-Elect
Each event necessitates a committed team of individuals who are wholly dedicated to ensuring its success. As the 2024 Conference Planning Committee Chair, I wanted to give a personal shout-out to the team entrusted to make this year’s Annual Conference and Industry Partner Expo a resounding success. They have diligently selected this year’s conference theme: Value Vanguards- Pioneering Innovation and Excellence in Healthcare. The team was spot on in identifying the pioneering spirit of value analysis professionals who lead the way in transforming healthcare delivery. The Vanguards are at the forefront of action and are trailblazers in improving healthcare value.
The Conference Planning Committee most recently had the distinct pleasure of selecting topics aligned with the educational goals and objectives set forth by the needs and requests of the AHVAP membership. The task included a thoughtful review of anonymously submitted titles and descriptions to ensure each session, such as panel discussions and educational and inspirational formats, is innovative and enhances the AHVAP experience. With the selections made, agenda creation will be the next task on the Committee’s list.
I personally want to thank the following professionals for volunteering their time and effort to ensure the greater organization, our AHVAP Vanguards, if you will, will have a valuable and impactful conference experience. I would like to sincerely thank Karen Niven, Anita Mouroutsos, Garry Kauffman, Jodi Katz, Robin Lane, and our AHVAP HQ Team led by Dr. Hudson Garrett. I look forward to the culmination of all this Committee’s hard work in September, and with that, I would like to remind you that registration is open. I hope you plan to join us in Orlando!
President-Elect, Board of Directors