AHVAP Monthly eNews

AHVAP Certification Center New Digital Transcript

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Dear Value Analysis Partners:

The Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals (AHVAP) Certification Center is pleased to announce a new benefit available for those that hold any of our professional credentials or designations. This includes those with a current AHVAP Certification Center micro-credential or our flagship CVAHPTM designation. We are now releasing the Credly Transcript feature, which allows you to instantly create your own secure academic transcript of your current credentials issued by the AHVAP Certification Center and share them with your peers, colleagues, human resources partners, or others. This new feature is provided to you at no cost, and is designed to help you showcase your accomplishments to your peers and profession. 

To learn more about creating your digital transcript, visit this online tutorial: https://support.credly.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031842112-How-can-I-send-my-Transcript. You can also join our monthly AHVAP Certification Center Office Hours to learn more about the full functionality of our Credly digital credentials management system.

Thank you for your ongoing support of professional credentialing in healthcare value analysis. We hope that you enjoy this new enhancement to your Credly digital platform. 



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