"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, it is COURAGE for the present, and HOPE for the future!"
― Agnes Pahro
How fitting a quote for the end of 2020 to acknowledge what healthcare has gone through and is STILL going through. While the meaning can cross all nationalities and religions, the most poignant thought is our HOPE for the future. This past year has shown me how passionate and committed all of you are and how much value analysis truly portrays the hope for the future of healthcare!
For those of you who were able to join the annual business meeting, it was great to have you there! For those who missed it, I recommend you at least review the slides from our President Elect, our Regional Directors and each Committee Chair. There is so much going on, and I cannot begin to put into words the joy in my heart for all your dedication and work despite having full time jobs that are beyond insane this year!
While we may have missed seeing each other at Scottsdale, Arizona, this year, our virtual conference was awesome, and I am saving to see you all in October 2021 back in Scottsdale! (I’m lining up for my vaccine!)
As President, I’ve been so honored to represent you all “virtually” this year, and I cannot thank all of you enough for the opportunity to be the president of AHVAP. Any of you can join in the committee work to begin your journey as a member of the Board of Directors or the Presidency. I am proof that this is possible for any one of us!
My healthcare system has had tremendous struggles in Kentucky just as all of you are experiencing in your systems, whether in a provider or affiliate role. Still. we each can balance the work that needs to be accomplished to support/promote AHVAP and build the recognition of the process and role which will make healthcare succeed in improving patient care, reduce waste, and optimize both clinical and financial outcomes. You all should be so proud of what you do and how you each make a difference!
May you all have a safe and joyful holiday season. I’m grateful for each and every one of you!
God bless!
Laura Polson, BSN, RN-BC, CVAHP