Meeting the challenges
In his 2013 presentation, “Value Analysis Strategic Planning The Future is Now!”, former AHVAP member Robert Yokl addressed the role of Healthcare Value Analysis in meeting the challenges of the ACA. His observations still ring true today as Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals face the challenges of the pandemic. Application of the healthcare value analysis process positions us to be proactive instead of reactive when faced with difficult decisions. Robert noted organizations are depending on us to deliver savings and quality. We have to meet new challenges head on. Failure is not an option! He advised education and training for yourself, your teams, your department heads and managers, and your senior leadership are key to achieving success.
AHVAP offers solutions
AHVAP is nationally recognized as the preeminent authority in providing education, resources and networking to promote value analysis in the healthcare community. When effectively applied, healthcare value analysis delivers value for both organizations and suppliers by supporting collaboration between suppliers, supply chain leaders, physicians, clinicians and other subject matter experts to make evidence-based decisions that result in optimal patient outcomes at the optimal economic value.
For more than 15 years, AHVAP members have provided education through networking with other professionals on the Forum/Chat room, in the Resource Library on the website, in the online Healthcare Value Analysis course, at the Annual Conference, and on webinars and podcasts. These venues present the opportunity for professionals to advance their knowledge of healthcare value analysis and its application, request information from experienced peers, and share solutions to challenges.
The Healthcare Value Analysis Course is an excellent primer for creating a successful value analysis structure and applying the process to reach an informed decision about the right product to achieve quality patient outcomes at the best cost. The course can also be used by experienced healthcare value analysis professionals to prepare for the CVAHP certification exam.
CVAHP Certification for professional recognition and advancement
In these challenging times, as healthcare value analysis has become more integral to balancing patient outcomes with financial viability, the need for a credentialed industry is greater than ever. Certification is a personal investment in your professional career and positions you for recognition and advancement.
CVAHP Certification validates your knowledge and expertise in supporting and achieving quality healthcare at the best price. Check the CVAHP Handbook for the eligibility requirements and prepare to
Invest in yourself today! Register now!