AHVAP is excited to announce that on May 26, 2021 it kicked-off this long-awaited program.
AHVAP created HIAC to establish inclusivity of healthcare interconnected organizations and subject matter experts beyond the traditional value analysis base.
The Purpose of HIAC:
The inaugural meeting of the HIAC Oversight Committee chaired by Jeff Borgstrom, AHVAP Affiliate Member Board Advisor, co-chair-Barbara Strain, AHVAP Strategic Liaison, Laura Polson, AHVAP Past President Council Board Advisor, Gloria Graham, AHVAP IBEC Chair and Sue Toomey, AHVAP President, welcomed the committee members representing their respective supplier organizations:
Blue Point SCS, Care Line Inc, CID Resources, Cook Medical, Currie Medical Specialties, DR Burton healthcare, Dale Medical Products, ECRI, Gore & Associates, Green Light Medical, Health Care Links, ICU Medical Inc, Innovative Healthcare Corporation, Masimo, Mindray North America, Silver Lining Apparel, Stryker/Sage, TELA Bio Inc, Tempo Medical.
The Oversight Committee overwhelmingly established its first goal of membership recruitment.
In addition to the Oversight Committee, two workgroups will provide insights to help support AHVAPs Strategic Plan; the Affiliate Member Workgroup and the Subject Matter Expert Workgroup. Look for information about these workgroups in the next edition of the AHVAP newsletter