Join Our Certification Program Team for our First Live Office Hours on the CVAHP™ Certification

Are you Currently CVAHP™ Certified or Considering Becoming Certified?
If you Answered Yes to the Above, 
Then this Office Hours Session is for You!

Our goal is to make your CVAHP™ certification a MUST-HAVE credential and to make the recertification process completely painless for you. We also want you to have a resource to ask ANY and ALL questions that you have regarding pursuing the certification or recertification.  We are hosting a live Office Hours session to answer your questions. 

Here are a Few Topics That We will be Discussing During the Office Hours:  

Upcoming December CVAHP Office Hours:
December 19, 2022
2-3 p.m. EDT

Our certification experts will take live questions from the attendees as well.

To register for the upcoming Office Hours Session, visit:

Moving forward, these sessions will be offered on a monthly basis. Stay tuned for more information on the AHVAP Website and Social Media Channels.