The Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals (AHVAP) is pleased to announce the new Niven Scholarship for Academic Advancement, which is available to any student pursuing academic studies in a field related to healthcare value analysis. Recruiting students and new professionals into our association and profession is vital to advancing our specialty. We are pleased that thanks to an anonymous donor, this innovative scholarship started by Karen has now been doubled to fund FOUR recipients.
This scholarship was created by AHVAP's current President-Elect, Karen Niven, to recognize the critical role of students in advancing the specialty of healthcare value analysis. The scholarship fund will provide four recipients with a full AHVAP membership as a student. Here are the specific details of the scholarship:
Scholarship Applications:
Scholarship Applications will open the first week of April and close at the end of May. If you know a deserving student that should be a member of AHVAP, now is the time to make them a part of the AHVAP family! We are extremely appreciative of this gracious donation by Karen Niven to start this innovative new scholarship to recruit more students into AHVAP!
Thank you for being the very best part of AHVAP!