2024 AHVAP Board of Directors Electronic Ballot Now Open



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Dear AHVAP Members:

In accordance with the Bylaws, the AHVAP Nominating Committee presents the following slate of candidates for the 2024 Board of Directors. We are delighted that these AHVAP members have stepped up and volunteered to serve our Association at a National Level! 

Please review the candidate profiles, and vote for one candidate for each open position.

The 2024 candidates for office are as follows:

Anne Marie Orlando, MBA, RN, RCIS, CVAHP 

Sandy Wise, MBA, BSN, RN, CVAHP 

Sharon Roberts, BSN, RN, CVAHP 

Northeast Region Director: 
Sandra Monacelli, MBA, BSN, RN, CNOR, CVAHP 

Western Region Director: 
Erin Arnold, MSN, RN, CNOR, CVAHP 

The ballot to vote will close at midnight ET on August 12. The new 2024 AHVAP Officers and Board of Directors will be announced at the 2023 Annual Conference and Industry Partner Expo in September. 

To cast your ballot electronically, please utilize the following link:


I would like to thank the Nominating Committee for its service to AHVAP in vetting these outstanding candidates as well.

Thank you again for helping us shape the future of AHVAP through this important process. 

Warm regards,

Elizabeth Eisenberg, MSN, RN, CVAHP
President, Board of Directors
Chair, Nominating Committee