Call for Presentations & Posters for AHVAP 2024 Annual Conference & Industry Partner Expo Submit your Session or Poster for Consideration Today

Dear AHVAP Members and Partners:

Are you interesting in sharing your expertise at the 2024 AHVAP Annual Conference and Industry Partner Expo in Orlando, Florida next September as a speaker or poster presenter? Well, AHVAP is looking for exceptional speakers who are willing to share their expertise with our profession at next year’s Annual Conference. The Call for Presentations is now open, and the submission site is live! All submissions will be reviewed and rigorously scored by our Annual Conference Planning Committee. The final conference program will be announced early next year after speakers are notified.

We are excited to share with you the theme for our 2024 Annual Conference & Industry Partner Expo, which builds upon our theme from this year's conference. The theme for the 2024 conference is: Value Vanguards: Pioneering Innovation and Excellence in Healthcare. This theme celebrates the pioneering spirit of value analysis professionals who lead the way in transforming healthcare delivery. Vanguards are on the forefront of action, and we cannot think of anything more descriptive of the incredible role that healthcare value analysis professionals play daily across the healthcare continuum of care. Value vanguards are trailblazers who embrace innovation, data-driven decision-making and collaboration across stakeholders to drive excellence in patient care, cost-effectiveness, and quality outcomes. They are at the forefront of change, constantly seeking new horizons to improve healthcare value.

To submit a session for consideration:

To submit a poster for consideration:

All presentation submissions must be received by December 31 at 5 p.m. ET. Poster presentations will remain open thru June 1, 2024.

We look forward to seeing each of you at next year's conference!


Chair, 2024 Conference Planning Committee