AHVAP and AHVAP Certification Center Receive New International ISO Accreditations

The Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals (AHVAP) and the AHVAP Certification Center recently underwent a third-party accreditation audit as part of our application for new ISO Quality accreditations. I am pleased to report to you that we have been notified that our applications were approved and zero noncomformities were identified, which is the best possible finding for an accreditation audit. 

These additional accreditations are independent validation of our commitment to world-class excellence in every aspect of our business across the enterprise. This effort is the result of a six-month internal project by AHVAP HQ as part of the Five-Year Strategic Plan.

AHVAP has been awarded the following international ISO quality accreditations effective immediately:

In addition, we have received a new specialty accreditation, ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organizations Management Systems, which is specifically for our educational and credentialing programs. This accreditation covers both the AHVAP continuing education programming and the AHVAP Certification Center credentialing programs. 

Achieving these new accreditations for our organization is a tremendous accomplishment that each of you should be proud of. I would like to thank the AHVAP and AHVAP Certification Center boards of directors for their leadership in this endeavor. In addition, the AHVAP HQ team has worked diligently on this project for the past six months. As an association, we continue to raise the bar for our specialty and for your membership experience.