As the holiday season unfolds, I find myself reflecting on the incredible community of professionals I am fortunate to work alongside. This time of year, nestled between the gratitude of Thanksgiving and the joy of the holidays, is the perfect moment to pause and appreciate not only the work we do but the people who make it all possible.
At AHVAP, collaboration is the foundation of our success. Together, we face challenges, drive innovation, and strive for excellence in healthcare. None of this would be possible without the passion, dedication, and compassion of my colleagues.
As you may know, I love gardening, and because of that, my social media targeted ads often have a gardening flair. Subsequently, I came across this quote attributed to Marcel Proust:
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
You, my colleagues, are those gardeners — nurturing ideas, cultivating solutions, and inspiring growth. Your insights, hard work, and commitment to making a difference remind me daily of how special this community truly is. Over the past year, AHVAP has provided so many ways for us to grow our community and strengthen its roots. Some of these include Zone meetings, Industry Partner Zone meetings, our Annual Conference, and our app, Circle.
As we transition from the season of Thanksgiving to the spirit of giving that defines the holidays, let us continue to celebrate and support one another. Together, we create not only impactful outcomes for the patients and communities we serve but also an organizational culture rooted in respect, trust, and appreciation.
Wishing you all a holiday season filled with warmth, joy, and the company of those who inspire you most. I am grateful for each of you and excited for what we will accomplish together in 2025.
President-Elect, Board of Directors