AHVAP Monthly eNews
Your AHVAP leaders are living proof of one of my favorite quotes from President John F Kennedy: "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." Grateful living is a way of approaching life with a deep sense of appreciation and thankfulness for the present moment and all that it encompasses. It involves actively cultivating a mindset of gratitude and recognizing the abundance of blessings in one's life, no matter how big or small.
In the complex world of healthcare, the push for cost containment is undeniable. With budgets tightening and the demand for high-quality care ever increasing, healthcare organizations are constantly seeking ways to reduce expenses. However, while cost considerations are important, leading with evidence rather than cost in healthcare value analysis is crucial to ensure patient safety, quality outcomes, and long-term sustainability.
I can't believe summer is right around the corner! I hope you have scheduled some time off to unwind and relax. It is so important to reinvigorate oneself not only personally but professionally. It's easy to reinvigorate oneself personally: take a walk, meditate, or spend time with loved ones. Professionally, it can seem a little more daunting. I am not biased, but I have found that the best way to reinvigorate yourself professionally is to involve yourself in an organization such as AHVAP. Membership can help you develop a strong network with similar passions, goals, and struggles.
Having just returned from two national conferences, I continue to hear the impact of value analysis on healthcare. Value analysis, rooted in the principles of efficiency and effectiveness, has significantly influenced healthcare systems nationwide. The profound impact of value analysis in healthcare, its applications, challenges, and the potential it holds for shaping the future of healthcare delivery is at the heart of every presentation and discussion.
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AHVAP Education

Weathering the Storm: Supply Chain Resiliency Enduring Program Now Available on AHVAP University

The AHVAP May 2024 Webinar Program, Weathering the Storm: Supply Chain Resiliency, is now available as an enduring continuing education program on the AHVAP University platform for 24/7 access. 

Enduring Program Faculty: 

Tom Harvieux, MS
Vice President and Chief Supply Chain Officer
BJC Health Systems

Accreditation Information:

This webinar is accredited for 1.5 hours of continuing nursing education credits by the California Board of Registered Nurses. This webinar is accredited for 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for those individuals holding the Certified Value Analysis Healthcare Professional (CVAHPTM) designation. This program is also approved for 1.5 hours of qualified education for FACHE credit with the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Our June webinar program registration will be posted to the AHVAP website next week. 

We look forward to seeing you on an upcoming AHVAP educational webinar. 

Register today for the AHVAP June accredited webinar program.
Webinar Topic:
From Concept to Publication
Webinar Date:
June 12, 2024
1-2:30 p.m. ET
This webinar will be recorded and made available on AHVAP University following the webinar program.
AHVAP Spotlight
The Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals (AHVAP) and the AHVAP Certification Center recently underwent a third-party accreditation audit as part of our application for new ISO Quality accreditations. I am pleased to report to you that we have been notified that our applications were approved and zero noncomformities were identified, which is the best possible finding for an accreditation audit. 
I am excited to share with you an exciting new Position Statement that is now available for both AHVAP members and the general public: Commitment Pledge for Healthcare Value Analysis Leaders and Professionals. This newly developed and released document was designed to help demonstrate our individual commitment as professionals within the specialty. This new pledge is an important professional tool that signals one's dedication to the core tenants of our profession.

Don’t miss out on the exciting membership engagement opportunities for you during the month of June:

AHVAP Zone Meetings:

Professional Edge Book Club:

June 21, 2024
3-4 p.m. ET


May AHVAP Member Resources Office Hours:

June 20, 2024
4-5 p.m. ET


We are thrilled to announce yet ANOTHER new member benefit for you. This new benefit, Custom Email Signatures, is our latest effort to help highlight your expertise to your peers and colleagues. The AHVAP HQ Team will create a custom email signature just for you that captures your current professional credentials, AHVAP membership classification, and any designations earned from the AHVAP Certification Center.
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
C Change Surgical
Annual Conference Update
We are thrilled to announce that registration for the 2024 AHVAP Annual Conference & Industry Partner Expo is officially open for Industry Partners. Please join us for the 2024 Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals Annual Conference & Industry Partner Expo September 9-12, 2024, in Orlando, Florida. Currently, as of 5/1, the exhibit floor is already 80% sold out.
AHVAP Certification Center News
CVAHP™ Scholarship Program Is Now Open
 The AHVAP Certification Center is pleased to announce the new Certified Value Analysis Healthcare Professional (CVAHP™) Scholarship Fund, which is available to any healthcare value analysis professional in need. This scholarship was made possible by the generous donations of the entire Board of Directors of both the AHVAP Certification Center AND the Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals.
Industry News and Developments
American Hospital Association
Hospitals and health systems have been at the forefront of a major transformation while at a crossroads of increasing demand for higher acuity care and deepening financial instability. Persistent workforce shortages, severe fractures in the supply chain for drugs and supplies, and high levels of inflation have collectively fueled hospitals’ costs as they care for patients 24/7.
Supply & Demand Chain Executive
Counterfeiting is the largest criminal enterprise in the world today, according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, with domestic and international sales, counterfeit, and pirated goods totaling between an estimated $1.7 trillion to $4.5 trillion each year. Fueled by the e-commerce boom, counterfeiting is a growing issue with a significant impact on the global economy. Counterfeit products, especially those in the health sector, pose risks to wellbeing and more, affecting manufacturers, retailers and consumers alike.
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At its best, the health care system is a finely-tuned machine. Seasoned doctors, thoughtful nurses, and diligent administrative staff work together smoothly, prioritizing patient outcomes and operational efficiency, keeping safety and wellness as their highest goal. Yet despite the hard work each of these professionals puts into their jobs, the demands of modern health care too often outpace the tools that medical workers have been given.
Fierce Healthcare
To boost domestic medical supply manufacturing, the Biden administration is hiking up tariffs on syringes, needles, medical and surgical gloves and personal protective equipment from China. The tariffs are designed to combat artificially low-priced exports coming in from China, the federal government said in a fact sheet released yesterday. President Biden directed his Trade Representative to increase tariffs under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 on $18 billion of imports from China.
Casco Manufacturing Solutions, Inc.
American Medical Association
The turmoil and financial strain for physicians triggered by the massive cyberattack on the Change Healthcare business unit of UnitedHealth Group (UHG) in February is yet another cautionary tale of the dangers of unchecked consolidation across health care. The AMA has consistently opposed large-scale mergers sought by health insurance companies and other major players in health care that undermine competition and tip the scales of power away from patients and physicians in favor of ever-expanding corporations.
Medicaid doesn't have to cover Wegovy and drugs like it because of a decades-old law excluding medicines that treat anorexia, weight gain and weight loss from required coverage. Robin Feldman, a professor at the University of California Law in San Francisco, says when the law excluding weight-related drugs was passed in the 1990s, everyone thought diet and exercise were the key to losing weight and keeping it off — even though the evidence doesn't support that. 

Please make sure that you update your contact information on the AHVAP website so that we can stay in touch. Here is our contact information so that you can always reach the most appropriate team member to assist you:

Mailing Address:
2870 Peachtree Rd NW #915-7500
Atlanta, GA 30305

AHVAP Headquarters Phone Number:
(888) 400-6844

AHVAP Help Desk Email to assist with membership, clinical education, annual conference,
and all other AHVAP member benefits:

AHVAP Certification Help Desk to assist with all questions regarding CVAHP™ certification
and recertification: 

AHVAP Executive Director, Dr. Hudson Garrett Jr.:

Thank you for your continued membership in the premier healthcare value analysis association!