Cincinnati Crane ordinance

ACI’s advocacy efforts proved successful on April 27th when the City of Cincinnati voted in its new crane operation ordinance. While we certainly would not and do not promote additional rules and regulations for our members, we were able to make an impact on some of the controversial language within the original draft of the ordinance. When this ordinance was received from the Mayor, ACI formed a team of members for review and comment. During this review, confusion with fourteen statements of requirement and four conflicts with OSHA standards were highlighted.
All of our changes/recommendations were shared with Mayor Cranley, the Mayor’s staff and City Council members, and our efforts resulted in the correction of all but one of the verbiage issues and one remaining conflict with the OSHA standards. However, the big success addressed the largest area of concern in the ordinance – the use of cranes that are less than 20/30 years old. Our efforts, along with the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, the Specialty Crane and Riggers Association, AGC and others, helped remove the onerous age limit requirements in the City’s new ordinance. Thank you to the team of members that participated in this process. 
Read the ordinance here