ALM Vital Threads

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The first webinar of the year is in just 2 weeks! 2020 brought changes for all of us, but what didn't change was OSHA looking out for our workers' safety. As of November 2020, nearly $2.5 million in fines have been issued for COVID-19 safety violations. Do you know what OSHA regulations are being applied to issue these fines and what changes have been made on a state/local level? If not, it could cost you!

Join us Thursday, February 25, at 2 p.m. ET for 2021 OSHA Update/COVID-19 Related Safety Guidelines with Barry Spurlock, Esq.

Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in sponsoring ALM webinars this year? You'd better hurry, there's only 4 spots left!

For the 2021 webinar series, we are limiting it to just 6 sponsors. For only $500 per sponsorship, logos of all six will be displayed on the ALM Webinar page, and each will be the primary sponsor for one webinar during the year. By setting primary sponsorship for each, we grant sole sponsorship billing on that webinar's promos, an opportunity to provide a 30-second video promo to be streamed at the start of the webinar, and a promotional email to be sent after the webinar to our full mailing list of over 3,000 individuals!

Tentative dates and topics of webinars are listed on the ALM Webinar page (please note, dates and topics may change due to speaker availability and industry events). To purchase a sponsorship, visit the ALM online store. Please note, sponsorship claims are first-come, first-served, and there is a slight delay between purchase and the online store being updated. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Morris.


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