ALM Vital Threads


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To provide an enjoyable, safe experience at IMPACT 2021, we ask in-person attendees to agree to conference COVID protocols.

Please note: IMPACT Conference COVID requirements are subject to change without prior notice due to any applicable changes in federal, state and/or local regulatory mandates.

  • I will wear a face covering over my nose and mouth indoors at the event until seated in a socially-distanced fashion.
  • My presence at the conference confirms that no one in my household has exhibited COVID-19-related symptoms.
  • If I develop a temperature and/or other COVID-19 related symptoms I will not attend the event and will notify the ALM designated contact by phone.
  • I will continue to wash hands as appropriate.
  • I agree to eat in designated areas.
  • I will respect the concerns of others and follow their social distancing cues, as communicated by their optional use of color-coded indicators:
    • Green = High-fives and handshakes: still practicing frequent hand-washing
    • Yellow = Elbows only: still being cautious
    • Red = No contact: 6 feet apart, no exceptions

Of course, we are also working to provide IMPACT education to anyone not comfortable with traveling, and are offering all IMPACT sessions as synchronous learning opportunities November 9-12. Virtual attendees will have the ability to view the same sessions presented in South Carolina, with live, interactive access to speakers, sponsors and ALM staff during those presentations.

Full details, including planned session topics and registration options are available on the IMPACT website.


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