ALM Vital Threads

Salt Lake City Welcomed Leaders of the Laundry and Linen Industry

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 IMPACT 2024 in Salt Lake City from March 18th to 20th, 2024, was a hub of activity for the laundry and linen industry. Attendees seized the chance to explore new business concepts and services, forging valuable partnerships and connections during rapid business meetings during the IMPACTful Connections session. Renowned speakers delivered educational sessions covering essential topics, from linen management to compliance readiness, enhancing attendees' skills and knowledge. The event's success underscored its role as a vital platform for industry professionals to capitalize on business opportunities, expand their networks, and enrich their education, promising a bright future for the industry. Here are a few comments about what attendees thought:

4 Attendees sitting around a table talking during IMPACTful Connections

Matt Vacca, with Tingue Brown, reflected, “the ALM Impact Conference was not just an event, it was an experience that left a lasting impression. From Troy Nix's keynote to the informative breakout sessions and networking opportunities, every moment provided value. The IMPACTful Connections provided meaningful one-on-one interactions with industry operators, and the evening activities were so much fun! Kudos to the entire ALM team for their hard work in orchestrating such a fantastic event.” Vacca continued, “I’m already looking forward to next year's conference.”

Juan Rivera, the VA Medical Center, enthusiastically commented:
“The ALM IMPACT Conference stands out as one of the most valuable resources, providing all the necessary information for us to build an exceptional network and effectively train and guide our team members. It was a pleasure to be here, thank you.”

Josh Slone, Complete Textile Services, responded with:
“After two decades in the industry, it took me some time to become a part of ALM. However, in just a few meetings, I gained more knowledge than I had in the preceding 4-5 years. What I appreciate about ALM is its top-notch education, networking opportunities, and its invaluable contribution to both my business's performance and my personal and professional development.”


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