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One of the best, and perhaps most under-utilized ALM member benefit, is the unfettered access YOU have to an experienced Infection Preventionist! Dr. Fontaine Sands can answer your questions through "Ask the IP" on ALM's website. A question was recently received, and we wanted to be sure all members are aware of this feature and share with you both the question and answer.

“What is the recommended shelf life for clean linen storage? How long can it be stored on a covered cart or shelf before it should be reprocessed?”

Answer from Fontaine Sands, DrPH, MSN, CIC, RN, ALM Clinical Advisor:
There is no national standard, regulation, or specific research that can provide a straight forward answer to this question. Basically, we do not know for sure. My recommendation is for the hospital IP and the contracted laundry manager to meet to discuss and determine an internal policy. If the clean linen is stored appropriately in either a clean storage room in central supply or on a patient care unit in a clean supply room (never taken to a patient room) then there is no evidence that states it must be used within a specific time frame. Most patient care units only store linen that would last (par level) for 24 to 36 hours up on the unit (there should be no issue with this time frame). However, some hospitals may want to keep a back-up supply for emergencies/disasters in a central linen supply room. If this is the case I would recommend the following, based on basic microbial and prevention practices:

If you have a question for our experts, visit ALM's website, sign in, then click under Members, ALM Networks, Ask the Experts. There, you can pose questions to an infection preventionist or a safety professional. If you have any questions, please contact us!