Linen Recovery Making a Big Impact

Linen recovery efforts are underway in the southern and northern facilities of ALM member NOVO Healthcare Linen Services. Their service teams have been partnering with their customers to identify nursing homes, EMS companies, funeral homes, and other facilities to focus recovery efforts on linen. When NOVO got sidelined by COVID-19 during the past year, they worked on identifying recovery targets and beginning communication about the linen recovery process. Recovery will remain a continued focus for the service group throughout 2021 and into the future. 

NOVO has made amazing progress in the first quarter of 2021, building relationships with facilities to keep the flow of linen coming back, while identifiying new target facilities.

In Q1 of 2021, NOVO recovered in their markets:

Total – 2,604 pounds for southern plants

A grand total of 12,587 pounds of linen, making a savings of $41,537!

This initiative is a true win-win for NOVO customers and for NOVO Health Services itself. By partnering with customers to recover linen, they help lower their replacement costs of purchasing additional products.

Well done, NOVO!

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