ALM Member Benefit of the Month: Healthcare Laundry Guidelines

Can Clean and Soiled Textiles be transported in the same vehicle? Do textiles have to be covered when on a cart in the hospital? What is the proper airflow for my linen storage room? Is my soil sort team required to wear shoe coverings?

The answers to these types of questions come from a litany of sources, including standards and guidelines published by (but not limited to) the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), The Center for Disease Control (CDC), The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as from recommended practices developed by organizations such as the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) and the Association Of perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN). Additionally, some states may have regulations that are above and beyond the requirements of the above recognized bodies. Researching all the different standards, guidelines, and regulations to know which applies in every situation is an extensive job, but ALM has an online tool available to replace hours of research!

The Compendium of Healthcare Laundry Quality Guidelines is a compilation of applicable regulations, guiding principles, and recommended practices for healthcare textile care services. The Compendium is a goldmine of information that will help you develop policies and procedures to keep your employees safe and produce quality processed and managed textiles that are safe for patient use.

It is divided into six functional areas:

  1. Textile Receiving, Soil Sort &Wash Process
  2. Handling, Transportation & Storage
  3. Process Monitoring
  4. Finishing
  5. Equipment
  6. Education, Training & Health

Within each section, you can browse for a topic, then click to go to that page. Each guideline lists key topics affected by it, the reason or purpose that it is included in practice, a statement that summarizes what is needed for compliance and how to gauge it, along with a listing of states that have regulations that also may address it, and citations/sources.

To be eligible for reimbursement, hospitals must be compliant with the Federal Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs). These conditions define the minimum health and safety requirements hospitals are required to follow, and that they must oversee contracted services, such as laundries. This Compendium serves as a single resource to identify and understand the requirements and provide guidance on practices.

To locate the Compendium for Healthcare Laundry Guidelines, visit ALM’s website, under Resources, Publications, Healthcare Guidelines, or visit Please note, you must sign into your ALM member account to access.