In Need of Operational Performance Improvement? Let Laundrymarks Guide You

The Laundrymarks benchmarking platform allows you to compare your organization’s performance, processes, or services against your counterparts in the industry. Laundries seeking performance improvement, inspiration for innovation, to uncover opportunities for improving efficiency and cost reduction, validation and accountability and to gain a competitive advantage can start entering FY22 operational data today.

A pilot group of 17 laundries recently completed entering their data and are now taking advantage of the real-time access to filtering and reporting features available in the platform.

When asked about the process of entering data, Brendon O’Neill, Chief Operating Officer at  London Hospital Linen Services, inc. said, “ALM’s LaundryMarks platform was super easy to use. Once the data was collected using the provided data collection spreadsheet, the entry into the LaundryMarks portal was simple and streamlined.”

Not only does LaundryMarks provide aggregate reporting that shows industry-wide metrics and trends, it enables dynamic comparisons between smaller segments. For example, you can compare your laundry to others in your geographical region or to those with similar automation levels. What’s more, the data continues to evolve and adjust as more laundries enter their data.

LaundryMarks guarantees security of your data. You have control of not only who can access your data internally, but there are also parameters built into it disallowing data queries that are small enough to jeopardize privacy.

LaundryMarks is available at no cost to all laundry operations. The minor investment of time in collecting and entering your data unlocks an eye-opening amount of information helping you to stay competitive in our industry. Take the next step to ensuring long-term success and sustainability of your operation and start benchmarking today.