Member Benefit of the Month:  Career Center

According to U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Chief Economist Curtis Dubay, “There are now 3.6 million more job openings than unemployed workers. The worker shortage continues to be a major challenge for employers.”  (Newsweek, 2023)
Recruiting and hiring is an ongoing obstacle faced across the industry and the competition for good candidates is fierce. There has never been a better time to take advantage of all of the opportunities to source candidates, including the ALM Career Center, the focus of this month’s featured benefit.

The career center can be found at Those seeking a new position in the industry can post their resume and browse openings and those looking to fill positions can post openings and browse posted resumes. The career center puts you in control of how long your post is active and also of your privacy.
The career center is offered as a benefit of membership. There is no cost to you to use it to find new opportunities or to promote openings.