ALM Vital Threads
Vital Threads January 2023 1/10/2023
Braun’s Open Pocket Water Reclamation System!
G. A. Braun, Inc?
  • System Tank Recovers
173 Gallons of Water (450 lb. Open Pocket Washer/Extractor)
225 Gallons of Water (650 lb. Open Pocket Washer/Extractor)
  • Can be retrofitted on any touchscreen-controlled Open Pocket Washer
  • Quick disconnect fittings (hose and electrical cables), and caster wheels for easy access to the washer for routine maintenance
  • Minimal footprint
  • Environmentally friendly with a compelling ROI!
For more information visit or call 800/432-7286
ALM News

Registration for the 2023 IMPACT Conference is now open! IMPACT not only provides educational programming to improve your professional development immediately, it helps your operations thrive for years to come. IMPACT offers multiple educational sessions with timely topics, engaging presenters, and inspiring keynotes.

Find new vendors or suppliers in The Hub (the conference sponsor showcase), and share ideas or troubleshoot problems with peers and leaders in the industry. This year, we're also introducing IMPACTful Connections, pairing laundry and linen professionals with suppliers of products and services in a fast-paced business exchange! You never know what will spark a new idea for you, and the face-to-face connections you make at IMPACT could have far-reaching effects on your career!

Register Now!


Only 3 days left to apply!

Through the generosity of ALM's Allied Trade Members, laundry and linen professionals are eligible to apply for a scholarship to the Laundry & Linen College. The scholarships cover tuition for one term, in either spring or fall, of the school in full. The scholarship does not cover transportation, meals, or lodging.

We welcome you to apply online. Scholarship applications must be received by THIS Friday, January 13, 2023. Recipients will be announced in February 2023. For more information, please contact Christina Horsley at

G. A. Braun, Inc
Softrol Systems, Inc.

Join us NEXT WEEK!

The first webinar of 2023 is January 19! Rich Bott, RLLD, CLLM, will give an update on regulations and standards that may impact your operation. Be proactive in preparing your company for regulatory compliance. We’ll do the research for you so you’ll know what may be coming and what you might need to change to be compliant.

Join us Thursday, January 19, for What's in the Pipeline? at 2 p.m. ET.

For details about other upcoming webinars, visit the ALM Webinars page. Please note: Webinar topics and dates may change depending on speaker availability and breaking news pertinent to our industry.

Sign Me Up!

Industry News


Nothing is more devastating to an organization and the families of its workers than when an employee experiences an occupational fatality or life-altering injury. Injuries and death can happen even in workplaces that boast impressive years’ worth of injury free days. You may ask how that would be possible, and the answer is simple…excellence in safety is not only about good policies and procedures; you must have a deep understanding of human error, embrace continual improvement, and always stay aware of limitations to many traditional approaches about occupational safety.

Three traps commonly preventing organizations from fostering learning-centered safety cultures include focusing only on safety problem-solving, over-relying on formulaic safety management, and most importantly, allowing fear to stymie learning within the organization.

If organizations have employees, mistakes will happen, and leaders must abandon the idea that absence of injuries or incidents equals safety. Strong occupational safety leadership both understands and embraces human fallibility. Developing and fostering an environment where employees are free to report and discuss safety mistakes they make, as well as those inherent in well-intentioned, but poorly designed (or absent) hazard controls (policies, procedures, training, machine guards, PPE, etc.), is the most crucial component for organizations to minimize risks.

Developing a learning-centered safety culture takes time and honing of leaders within the organization. It is not a “program” nor a quick fix. It is a long-term commitment and will never guarantee no incidents will occur. While creating a learning-centered safety culture takes tremendous time and purposeful efforts, the long-term payoffs are tremendous, and ultimately lets leaders sleep better at night knowing that risk from hidden problems that lead to incidents are minimized.

Read the full article in the latest issue of fresh Magazine!

The Laundry Ledger recently published an excellent article about keeping workers safe during extreme cold temperatures. 

Cold stress occurs when a person’s skin temperature decreases, and eventually the internal body temperature along with it. When the body is unable to warm itself, serious cold-related illnesses and injuries may occur, along with the potential for permanent tissue damage and even death. The most common types of cold stress include hypothermia, frostbite, and trench foot.

Read the full article on The Laundry Ledger.

One thing is for sure: Not all sheets are the same. And choosing the right bottom sheet for your care recipients can be a tricky process. From comfort levels to budgetary and environmental impacts, to the sheer number of options, the decision can be daunting. We conducted a series of tests to assess our UltraKnit™ Optimum sheets, along with their competitors. Testing across three categories: (process efficiency tests, longevity tests, and patient satisfaction tests).
Click here to download our "Operator’s Guide to Sheets" - Brochure.
Tecni-Quip Carts
Career Opportunities
Hospital Laundry Services is a shared service owned by Intermountain Health St. Vincent Hospital and Billings Clinic. HLS strives to provide excellent service and high-quality linens, to ensure uninterrupted patient care.
Hospital Laundry Services processes 5M+ pounds annually servicing St. Vincent Healthcare, Billings Clinic and surrounding Healthcare clinics.The Operations Manager will report to the HLS board.
Hospital Laundry Services prefers an experienced Executive with the energy and drive to manage this 7 day a week operation.The position offers a complete competitive compensation package, benefits and a re-location allocation if needed.
Our search is anticipated to end Mid-February 2023 and may include electronic interviews, a plant tour involving interviews with Board members and senior staff. Preferred applicants would have knowledge and experience in Laundry and Linen Service, Production and linen distribution and transportation.
If you are interested in applying for this great career opportunity, please submit your resume directly via e-mail to by January 31, 2023.
From Our Members

Ecolab, Inc., recently announced it has been recognized for climate and water leadership by CDP and named to the Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices. The distinguished recognitions further demonstrate Ecolab’s sustainability leadership.

“Taking action on sustainability, climate and water not only protects our planet but also drives profitable growth,” said Christophe Beck, Chairman and CEO of Ecolab. “We are proud to be recognized again by CDP and the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and look forward to continuing to show how operating sustainably accelerates growth and delivers substantive value while making the world a better place.”

Read the full article.

Kannegiesser ETECH is excited to report that their new building expansion has been completed at the Minnesota Manufacturing headquarters in Minneapolis. The new expansion will allow manufacturing, fabrication, and assembly teams more production space to provide customers with material handling, parts & monorail system products - (eRail, controls, servo, pneumatic, RAL lifts, cart dumpers, bulk feed conveyors, auto WUFT's and various sort-on-rail switch gangs). Shipping, receiving, warehouse, controls, and parts teams will have more adequate space to perform their duties by reducing congestion and double handling.

View full details in their customer newsletter.

Congratulations, Kannegiesser ETECH!

Tingue has been a presence in our industry before the Model T from Ford even existed! They are celebrating their 120 year history with a look back.


Healthcare Linen Services Group (HLSG), is excited to announce the acquisition of Linen King. The acquisition expands HLSG’s operations into the Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and Tennessee markets, expanding its customer base and adding automated facilities that provide additional capacity to its existing footprint throughout the Midwest while also adding new major customers in south central U.S. markets.

Read the full article

Foltex USA is happy to announce the addition of Abby Caven to their customer service team! Abby has a passion for customer care and making every interaction matter. With an extensive background in customer service, she is determined to provide simple and reliable solutions in any situation!
Better Results…Better Alternatives
Sunburst Chemicals, Inc.®
Sunburst understands your need to provide clean, stain-free, and odor-free linens. Our One-Touch Cleaning laundry program gets the stains, soils and unpleasant odors out in the first wash, while drastically reducing the need for rewash and stain treatments. Our unique, proprietary wash formulas guarantee the highest quality linens plus a shorter wash day.
Click here to learn more about our One-Touch Cleaning Program®
Diamond Chemical Company Inc. of East Rutherford, New Jersey is pleased to announce the addition of Bob Safer (left) as Business Development Manager-Northeast, Laundry Division, and Doug Story (right) as Regional Vice President, Laundry Division.
Bob brings 42 years tenure to the industrial/commercial laundry and dry cleaning/chemical industries, 18 of which in his family business.
Doug’s 35 years in chemical services involved him leading a wide range of global and domestic diversified operations with responsibilities in everything from R&D, marketing, manufacturing, sales, and distribution development. His leadership roles in these areas gave him the experience necessary to be an important player in the future growth of Diamond Chemical.



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