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The Vital Arm of Public Education — ABCGA

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The Alberta Common Ground Alliance (ABCGA) Education and Awareness Committee, now part of the Alberta One-Call/Where’s the Line? trio, has been busy clarifying its role in the unification. New Terms of Reference have been drafted and broad goals and objectives set as the "public education arm" of the new organization. 

The Education and Awareness committee can now focus on generating interest in damage prevention through outreach and activities. The committee has expanded safety messaging to include targeting those who work near overhead power lines. This aligns with the new ‘Where’s the Line?’ partnership which will now see overhead power lines also identified for those securing locate tickets. 

A recognition program is being designed for those individuals and companies who dig safely. Criteria are being set and the program will launch later this year with full execution in 2022. 

April Safe Digging Month activities in the current pandemic environment, will feature a social campaign driving our target audience to education resources found on, and A prize will be awarded to the individual or company who best helps to share the Dig Safe messages. 

Outreach plans to Alberta’s Indigenous communities include working with the IRC (Indian Resource Council) to extend a training program on how to supervise ground disturbance. Several sessions are underway and will continue virtually into the summer. 



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