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  Alberta One-Call is always at the ready for any job, big or small.

A Closer Look at AOC’s Contact Centre Operations
August 2021

August is a time for reflection; a time where the Contact Centre sees a lull in total volume of calls (well, a bit anyway), and the team steels itself for the final push toward the fall and the inevitable winter that lies beyond. A final sprint before backhoes and bulldozers are winterized and prepped for a five to six months’ slumber before the season begins anew the following spring.

There is always a renewed focus on fundamentals each August, with the Contact Centre management team bringing things back full-circle for Contact Centre staff to ensure they are both procedurally and mentally prepped for the typical homeowner rush in September. Each fall, there is a significant contingent of homeowners who remember, sometime around Labour Day, that there is still outstanding yard work to perform. Whether it be replacing a fence, rebuilding a deck, or adding a tasteful yet decorative pergola, a substantial amount of amateur Excavators find themselves strapped for time as summer fades into autumn, and the first leaves begin to turn. Professionals as well begin fielding urgent calls from property owners looking to perform various arborist projects, the addition or replacement of weeping tile on a slowly flooding window well, and the grading, loaming and sodding of a (hopefully) verdant green lawn.

As work turns away from large scale infrastructure projects and pipeline construction, and instead turns more personal toward the beautification and maintenance of residential properties, know that Alberta One-Call will continue to ensure a consistent and educated level of service all the way from our frontline operations staff to the seat of the president. Though the bulk of our season is fading in the rear-view, our eyes remain focused on wrapping up the 2021 season strong.

- Josef Rosenberg


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