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A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations
February 2022

And just like that, we find ourselves mid-sprint.

Less than 10 weeks now separates us from this seasons’ crush of locate requests and excavations, and I’m only half done shoring up our staff load for the 2022 season! If I still had an office door, it would be positively revolving with the sheer human flood of prospective hires that have flowed through my inbox these last two weeks. Last month’s relay race analogy feels particularly apt (and sadly prophetic) at this time; I feel like I’ve been running for the last 10 days, but once new Agents have been hired, I get to hand it off to someone else for a little bit while I catch my breath!

The next couple weeks are crucial while I put the final touches on our 2022 Training Program, which seeks to integrate and incorporate this (assumedly!) rag tag band of ne’er-do-wells, and teach them the basics of team cohesion, co-operation, and loyalty! Or maybe that was the plot to The Mighty Ducks (does that make me Emilio Estevez?) In either case, the time is quickly approaching where I’ll once again find myself deeply entrenched in the throes of another Agent training.

As mentioned in earlier articles, the biggest challenge this spring will be weaving our tweaked Performance Management goals with our existing training processes. While not at odds (or even differing wholly!), the priority and focus for Agents to be even more invested in individual ticket accuracy is even more starkly highlighted compared to years past. While past years sought a greater balance between our many different criteria (Accuracy, Customer Service, Efficiency & Availability), Accuracy has emerged as the absolute most important factor in day to day of our Agents.

A renewed focus, a new season, and some new faces! Almost makes me want to cry with joy…

Pictured: A USP Agent poised to let loose a flawless locate request

Josef Rosenberg - Contact Centre Manager - Utility Safety Partners


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