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8 Tips to Remember this DigSafe Month

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8 Tips to Remember this DigSafe Month

The Training Standards Committee (TSC) has had a busy start 2022. Recent and ongoing activities include updating the Ground Disturbance 201 Standard, making improvements to the application and endorsement processes, and preparing for the launch of the Ground Disturbance 101 Standard! 

In 2021, a total of 31,899 training certificates were issued for completing endorsed training programs in Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba combined. With an increase in the number of endorsed training programs available, along with launch of new initiatives, the TSC expects this number to grow in 2022. 

Like the rest of the industry, the TSC is a strong supporter of April being DigSafe Month. DigSafe Month coincides with the unofficial start of the spring digging season and is the perfect opportunity to share the damage prevention message with not only co-workers, but also friends and family.

This April for DigSafe Month, remember these 8 tips for keeping your worksites safe:

  1. Always Click Before You Dig! It is completely free to submit a locate request to Utility Safety Partners (USP). 
  2. Wait the required amount of time for locates to be provided. Never begin any work until the locating process is complete.
  3. Respect the locate marks. The locates are done for a reason; if flags are present, a buried facility is likely underneath.
  4. Manage the locates. Ensure that locate marks remain valid. If they fall over, become less visible, or seem to have moved, bring it up with a supervisor immediately.
  5. Always hand expose. You cannot mechanically excavate within certain distances of a buried facility. A safe hand exposure method must be used with care and caution.
  6. Support and protect exposed facilities. Care and caution must be used even after facilities are exposed. It's critical to remember that damages can occur at any stage of a dig.
  7. Report any damage caused or found. If damages do occur, proper reporting prevents people from getting hurt in the future, from that specific damage or another.
  8. Finally, Dig Safe! Always be careful—always be safe.

To get involved or to learn more about training standards and the TSC, contact

Joey Motokado – Safety Training and Regulatory Compliance Manager 


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