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Did you Know? USP is ISO Certified

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By Kassi Zaba, USP Public Awareness Coordinator

ISO 9001 is an international standard that sets out the requirements for quality management systems. The standard ensures an organization’s quality management system (QMS) includes a strong customer focus, the motivation of top management, follows a process approach, and incorporates continual improvement. To become ISO certified, an organization must pass an independent third-party audit demonstrating its practices meet the standards published by the International Standards Organization (ISO). 

USP was certified to the ISO 9001:2015 standard in November 2020. In a nutshell, this means we strive to deliver the best service we can to all stakeholders and interested parties. 

USP incorporates a variety of actions into our daily operations to maintain ISO 9001 certification. At the beginning of each year, management sets quality objectives that aim to enhance our service and stakeholder satisfaction. These objectives are implemented, monitored, and measured, confirming the goals are achieved. Throughout the year, internal processes are monitored and evaluated by USP’s Quality Control Supervisor. Customer feedback and satisfaction ratings are documented and reviewed. Internal audits are performed each month, ensuring each level of service meets or exceeds expectations. When any of these activities identify a discrepancy, USP takes action to correct the service and prevent recurrence. All of these practices lead to the continuous improvement of USP’s processes, policies, and the ways we keep Albertans safe around utilities.  

Near the end of each year, International Management Systems Marketing audits USP’s QMS and re-issues ISO Certification, confirming we continue to meet the criteria within the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Utility Safety Partners was recertified in November 2022 and our team is dedicated to ensuring we maintain certification and continue to be your trusted resource for utility safety. 


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