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The Excavation Safety Alliance: A Journey of Evolution and Innovation

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By Doug Downs, Stories and Strategies

As you may already know Infrastructure Resources has announced a significant change - it is now proudly rebranded as the Excavation Safety Alliance. The organization's leaders, Scott Landes and Whitney Price, recently appeared on The Safety Moment podcast to share their perspectives on this momentous shift. With a remarkable history and a focus on advancing safety and damage prevention, the Excavation Safety Alliance is poised to make a lasting impact in the industry.

A Humble Beginning

Scott Landes recounts the genesis of the organization back in 2003 when he collaborated with a friend to initiate an industry trade show. However, the show didn't continue, leading to the birth of an outdoor demo fair called Underground Focus Live in partnership with Underground Focus Magazine. As the organization evolved, Scott assumed the reins and Infrastructure Resources came into being, originally with a strong emphasis on underground-focused events.

“I helped get an industry trade show going with a friend and when that had run its course, we started with an outdoor demo fair, basically called Underground Focus Live that we were doing with Underground Focus Magazine. And in the end, my partner really didn't want to do shows anymore, so I took it over.”

A Journey of Identity Crisis

Over the years, the organization experienced an identity crisis as it constantly adapted to changing circumstances and expanded its offerings. In 2004, the demo fair evolved into a conference with insightful sessions, and by 2006, it had become the comprehensive conference that it is today. Notably, 2006 also marked the introduction of the Excavation Safety Guide, an annual reference manual aimed at equipping excavators with the tools they need to work safely. 

Diversification and Innovation

Innovation has been at the heart of the Excavation Safety Alliance's growth. In 2012, the organization launched the Excavation Safety Magazine, providing a valuable resource for industry professionals. Additionally, in 2015, Whitney Price spearheaded the creation of PASA, the Pipeline Ag Safety Alliance, which focused on educating county agricultural agents to impart essential knowledge to farmers about buried infrastructure protection.

Recognizing Unsung Heroes

The Excavation Safety Alliance took a crucial step in 2015 to elevate the recognition of locators, whose role in damage prevention often went unnoticed. Thus, the Locator Safety and Awareness or Appreciation (LSAW) initiative was born. The organization also joined forces with the CGA to launch the 811 run, further promoting safe digging practices and the importance of using the Call Before You Dig service.

Whitney’s Journey

Whitney Price is the incoming leader of the Excavation Safety Alliance. Transitioning from a background in banking and retail, she took a leap of faith in 2012, embarking on a new career path with the organization. 

“I dabbled in the retail industry a little bit and saw the job come up and I thought, OK, that's interesting. I have no clue what this means, but I'm going to go for it. And then I met the team, and once I got the job, it was basically ‘Hey, you're hopping on a plane to Vegas and you're going to this thing called the Excavation Safety Conference, and you're just going to sit there and learn and talk to as many people as you possibly can’. So it's been a really good experience for me.”

A Bright Future

Looking to the future, Whitney Price expressed excitement about developing a membership program to engage all stakeholders in the industry. The vision is to foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and collectively work towards creating a strong community committed to damage prevention. Additionally, the organization will continue refining existing initiatives to better serve the evolving needs of the industry.

The transformation of Infrastructure Resources into the Excavation Safety Alliance marks a defining moment in the organization's journey. From its modest beginnings as an underground-focused event to its current position as a comprehensive safety advocate, the Excavation Safety Alliance has remained steadfast in its commitment to promoting safe practices and damage prevention. With new initiatives on the horizon and a dedicated leadership team, the Excavation Safety Alliance is set to make an even greater impact in the years to come.

Listen to this episode of The Safety Moment podcast.


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