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Celebrating Dig Safe Month Starts with a Hot Breakfast

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Submitted by USP’s Education & Awareness Committee

April is National Dig Safe Month, a time when all Canadians are reminded to dig safely. This year, USP’s Education and Awareness Committee celebrated Dig Safe Month by hosting free safety breakfasts across the province. There’s nothing like bacon and eggs to bring contractors, utility owners, line locators, and industry stakeholders together to discuss safe digging practices and new industry initiatives.

On April 11, stakeholders in the Edmonton and Sherwood Park region met at the Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops’ training centre. Ste. Anne Natural Gas Co-op discussed unique challenges with ground disturbance in rural areas and how to mitigate those risks. FortisAlberta demonstrated the dangers of contacting overhead and underground power lines. The Alberta Energy Regulator clarified ground disturbance requirements when digging near pipelines. 

On April 17, Grande Prairie stakeholders gathered to learn about safety initiatives in their area, including the overhead power line notification pilot. USP’s Best Practices Committee discussed the recently updated Damage Prevention Process in Alberta document. Attendees met their local Safety Ambassador, who provides support and resources to the local digging community. A few lucky contractors went home with door prizes, provided by ATCO and Canadian Locators.

On April 23, USP partnered with the Saskatchewan Common Ground Alliance (SCGA) in hosting a safety breakfast in Lloydminster. The SCGA’s safety breakfast program is the largest in Canada with hundreds of contractors attending 20-plus locations in Saskatchewan every year. ASTEC Safety led the discussions and attendees learned various safe working tips through the SCGA’s video series, including the importance of site traffic planning and rules and regulations when digging near railways.

At all three breakfasts, ATCO and USP discussed the Alternate Locate Provider (ALP) that will provide contractors with a new option for receiving locates in Alberta. More information about the ALP program will be presented at our virtual town hall on May 2. 

Digging safely is a shared responsibility and we thank all our partners who were involved through planning, sharing information, attending, and supporting April Dig Safe Month’s safety breakfasts. We look forward to hosting additional breakfasts and promise to always have a hot cup of coffee waiting for you. If you would like to collaborate on future safety breakfasts, contact us at


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