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  The leaves may fall as autumn arrives, but construction will never cease

A Closer Look at AOC’s Contact Centre Operations
September 2021

Like a handsome Nostradamus, my predictions from last month’s article surrounding the September homeowner rush have come to pass. Unsurprisingly, despite the world’s 2020 woes deciding to continue to follow us for the duration of 2021, things have gotten back to normal in the world of construction. Extreme gazebos and bodacious decks are hastily being built to complete the work planned out months ago, just in time to be covered in fallen leaves and the first drifts of snow. It is in September that we truly enter Act 3 of each season, as the beginning of the end, the last hurrah, the final countdown. 

With apologies to Europe (the band, not the continent) we begin to draw up plans for the changes we’d like to see in the coming year. Every off-season comes with it’s challenges, and never is anything more challenging than implementing large-scale changes over the winter. Ideas or dreams that were just a twinkle in our collective eye in April or June are now being laid to plan; the architecture and design of wishlist projects begin to be put to paper (as it were) and the sketches of a better, faster, and more efficient Contact Centre are laid down.

We have some exciting changes in the works (well, exciting to us anyway!) that will continue to move us toward becoming the well-organized and streamlined communications hub we are destined to become. Alberta One-Call, like most organizations, is in a constant state of flux, and every decision is made with the long-term goal of becoming the company we know we can be. It’s not a matter of if, but when, we achieve that goal. One has to wonder of course, what exactly will be the next goal? Only time will tell.

Josef Rosenberg - Contact Center Manager, Utility Safety Partners (operated by Alberta One-Call Corporation)