A Special Thank You to Christmas Elves

A Special Thank You to Christmas Elves

The week between Christmas and New Year's is a busy time for many. It’s a chance to reconnect with family and friends, reminisce on the past and rekindle deep connections we have with one another. And for most of us, we won’t think twice about the people who either choose or are required to work over the holidays—our Elves.

Years ago when I was a student, I had the good fortune of being gainfully employed to help fund my post-secondary education. I routinely made myself available for extra shifts and my supervisors knew they could count on me. One Christmas, I was asked to work Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. These holidays are BIG events in my family and missing them would be a huge downer. Nevertheless, expenses were aplenty, so I worked the shifts.

It was, and remains, the loneliest and longest Christmas and New Year’s I ever had and I never forgot it. And ever since then, I think about the people who work over the holidays so we can enjoy it. I think about those working in emergency services—police, fire and ambulance—and those in health care. I think about the people working in 911 services, public transit, road maintenance, broadcasting, delivery services; and I also think about those who keep their small business doors open for the convenience of so many. Moreover, of course, I think about Utility Safety Partners’ on-call Damage Prevention Agents—our DSAs—who, among a variety of tasks, handle emergency locate requests across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. 

At this time of year when the temperature can dip well below zero, burst water pipes aren’t uncommon—and when that happens, emergency excavation is necessary to repair the damaged utility. Diligent contractors will immediately contact Utility Safety Partners to request an emergency locate and our DSAs will coordinate the request with affected members—typically distribution gas, telecom, electrical and municipal buried energy and utility assets. The situation is stressful for everyone, but once that emergency locate request is made, the damage prevention process is initiated and all parties know their roles to assist with the repair and ensure the work is done safely. All the while, thanks to the professionals responding, those unaffected by the emergency haven’t a clue the situation even existed. 

Thank you to all who help keep the lights on, our homes warm and keep us safe. Utility Safety Partners wishes you a very happy holiday season and good health, safety and prosperity in 2022.

Mike Sullivan - President, Utility Safety Partners