Working From Home – A Pets Perspective

Working From Home – A Pets Perspective.

Almost 2 years have passed since the World health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Millions of people have made the abrupt shift to work from home. With this change of environment, we need the truth of those who were also affected by this: The Family Pets. 

With their owners home more than ever, we needed to do a deep dive to ask the important questions - Do they enjoy their owners’ being home more? Does this result in more treats? More belly scratches? We went directly to the source to ask those pet companions how this has directly affected their day-to-day life. Although very reliable... and not hard to understand at all... my sources have asked to remain anonymous. For their own safety, we will be referring them to "cat” and "dog” to ensure their personal identity is not released. 

"TREATS!! "said excitedly by Dog. "Sorry... I thought you said I was getting treats, and belly scratches, right?! Well, I LOVE my paw-rents home. We play all the time, and if they don’t play, I just stare at them when they are in a meeting and then they play with me, and MORE TREATS!” Dog further explains. "When they tell me they will be right back, I do become very sad because they are home ALL THE TIME. Where are they going?! Are they coming back?!  But when they come home OOOHH BOY am I excited to see them. So, to tell them how excited I am I follow them around... Even to the bathroom... although they don’t seem as excited about it as me, but... SQUIRREL?!”  Dog yelled in excitement, and before we could finish, they ran off. 

When asking Cat a few questions, unfortunately it was very tough as we only were able to get a few statements between what seemed to be a judgmental glare. "Oh... yes the humans are home,” said Cat between yawns. "They are here in my house somewhere… and always seem to be finding me for affection. I know I’m adorable. So, I let them pet me as it usually results in a tasty treat as a reward.” Cat went on to explain, "I will say that plotting my revenge against the humans is harder with them home; however, I do enjoy the occasional belly rub”. 

In this new working environment, it is safe to say that both sources agree that we should all give our pets extra treats and belly rubs.

Confidential informants, "dog” and "cat”. (Real names withheld)

Chelsea Chiasson - Member Services Assistant - Utility Safety Partners