Community Engagement Matters – Now More Than Ever

Community Engagement Matters – Now More Than Ever

One thing we can all agree on is that our world is hurting. Many are struggling, for myriad reasons. The ongoing pandemic has challenged all of us and has left many vulnerable to economic hardship. With so many in pain and need, we need to tap into our charitable generosity now more than ever.

USP values safety above all else – this, of course, includes the well-being of our community. In the past, we have always prioritized being charitable during the holiday season, however, this year we are taking on a new challenge with a commitment to ongoing community engagement. Beginning in 2022, USP will be providing all of our employees with paid time off to volunteer in our community. We are hoping that this will inspire everyone within our organization to give back to the world they live in.

We will be encouraging staff to research local charities and give their time and efforts toward helping those in need. We will be sharing stories of how they spent their volunteer time with the rest of our team to inspire others in our organization to get involved. There are many incredible charitable organizations that are doing amazing things in our communities (a few of my personal favourites include Bear Clan Patrol, Calgary Food Bank, Women In Need Society, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, and Alpha House Calgary). There are many that need our help, and USP is up to the challenge!

We are only as strong as our most vulnerable, so let’s take care of each other and help create a better world for everyone.

Leanne Burrows - Team Leader - Utility Safety Partners