Contact Lens

Contact Lens
A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations
March 2022


Sit at my feet by the fire (not too close!) and let me tell you a tale of days of yore (not too long ago!), during The Cold Times. Many days ago, the world was blanketed with snow of the purest white, a glittering crust encasing future excavations, hiding dirty secrets (comprised of actual dirt) beneath its icy exterior. In those days, the world was quiet, frozen in time and awaiting a new age of Spring to dawn and allow the earth to shake off its frozen slumber. As it was foretold, that time has come.

Yes, it’s Spring! USP’s hiring spate was extremely successful and we have kept in stride as the pace quickens with the approach to April. Our volumes have increased in near lock-step with our staffing, and we’ve found ourselves in the wonderful position of giving our new trainees enough to do without overwhelming them. In the words of the immortal "Hannibal” Smith, "I love it when a plan comes together!”

Additionally, the Contact Centre is currently in the process of migrating our telephone services to a data centre that is regionally closer, which will improve the Voice Over IP experience for both our Customers and Agents and allow our Management Team a more efficient and modern call-tracking process. We’re excited for the improvements this migration will bring, and have been working tirelessly to get online before the end of March to allow sufficient time before things get really busy to complete testing and troubleshooting.

I can honestly say I’ve never felt more solid and prepared for the coming busy season than I do right now, in 2022. 15 years, 15 Mays, I’ve seen it all. This will undoubtedly be a cake walk…or famous last words!

Precipice of my downfall or a thrilling adventure? Tune in next month to find out!

Josef Rosenberg - USP - Contact Centre Manager