A Quiet Anniversary

A Quiet Anniversary

Later this summer, August 25 to be precise, Alberta One-Call Corporation will celebrate its 40th year of incorporation. Over the years, how we’ve delivered our services, and even our name, has changed but our focus has always been public, worker and community safety - and it likely all started from an inter-office memo dated June 15, 1977.

The memo, from John Fildes on Canadian Western Natural Gas Company Limited inter-office letterhead, relays the benefits of a publication he had received from the National Transportation Safety Board in Washington, D.C. Mr. Fildes went on to write to his colleagues:

"With the continuing problems our Company is experiencing, where outside contractors are damaging our system, I think we should make every attempt to establish a "one call” notification system in our area.”

Less than two years later, in March 1979, a glass delivery truck driven by a young Peter Clark drove through a cloud of propane mist that had migrated across the road. The gas had escaped from a nearby damaged pipeline and ignited Mr. Clark’s vehicle in a ball of fire. Propane, which is heavier than air, migrated into ditches and sewer systems - and with the threat of the gas also migrating into basements, over 18 thousand people were evacuated.

"If the 1977 memo from Mr. Fildes initiated contemplation on the benefits of a One-Call service in Alberta, the March 1979 event in Millwoods sealed it,” says Mike Sullivan, current President of Utility Safety Partners.

"Our society recognizes and celebrates milestones so we really wanted to do something big this year to celebrate 40 years of service. Due to COVID, though, we decided not to,” continued Mike, "but when we do finally get together again, the celebration will be that much more meaningful.”

Sher Kirk - Operations Director - Utility Safety Partners