Contact Lens

Contact Lens
A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations
April 2022

Like Icarus flying too close to the sun, like Odysseus taunting Poseidon, like Bellerophon mounting Pegasus and riding him to Olympus, I too am a self-wounded object of hubris and pride. A tale as old as time itself, I offhandedly predicted a potential fall after navigating a narrow and exciting path through one of the most taught and substantive hiring cycles I have ever overseen. Unfortunately, a shadow belied the land of Utility Safety, and we found ourselves short a moment too late, but none too soon.

Thus began the cycle anew. For three weeks we have valiantly stared down poor fortune with a steely gaze and gritted teeth, and we emerge just in time to take up our positions as charges of The Shovel. This is a long-winded way of saying I hired more people and boy howdy, am I ready to start handling that May volume! Fully staffed and fully prepared, USP is champing at the bit to begin!

The Contact Centre of course has been feeling the curious ebb and flow of this April’s unreliable weather, and we recently completed a transition to a fully Canadian datacentre for supporting our Voice Over IP phone service. With this evolution concluded, the Utility Safety Partner Contact Centre is now 100 percent internalized for all services within Canadian borders, and utilizing Canadian infrastructure! It brings with it a bevvy of Quality of Life improvements as well, most of which pertain to Reporting on the back-end, which of course makes me exceptionally happy. Well, until I have to reconcile reporting for the month of April between two systems…but that’s a problem for May-Joe. April-Joe is just happy it’s complete!

If there’s one thing I have learned this spring, it’s to never count your chickens before they hatch, and never give the gods an excuse to waylay your plans!

Josef Rosenberg - Contact Centre Manager - Utility Safety Partners

Woe betide one who assumes all is well, especially one month before May!