Contact Lens - A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations

Contact Lens
A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations

September 2022

Did anyone get the plate number of that truck that just hit me?

Proverbially of course; while your intrepid author always ensures he looks both ways before crossing rhetorical roadways, September struck the USP Contact Centre like a Mack Truck this year. A positive deluge of requests flowed directly from the fingertips of Albertan Excavators and into our systems. Of course, with a surge in Online requests follows a correlated surge in phone calls to our always available Agents! While the (sort-of) humid heat of August delivered drowsy dozing to the frontline operators, a brisk September snap slapped them back to life, and the thrum and hum of a busy Contact Centre once again buzzed briefly before the month began to draw to a close.

Of course, "briefly” is a subjective view, in reality this interval lasts approximately two to three weeks, but dwarfs all of the volume that came before it (other than May of course). The sooner it dissipates however, the sooner USP can begin to set the wheels in motion for our annual Winter Updates, where we execute the plans laid out in the months preceding.

Finally, the end of September brings to close the "busy” season for 2022, but it also sees Canada mark our second acknowledgement of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day publicly commemorates the tragic and disquieting history of residential schools and their continued impressions left on the fabric of communities and families throughout Canada. USP and our Contact Centre honour this day with informative presentations to our staff from knowledgeable First Nations and Indigenous speakers. We hope that we can all walk away with a furthered education and recognition of the issues both past and present in Canada, and what we can do both individually and as a company in the future. 

Josef Rosenberg – Contact Centre Manager, USP