Contact Lens - A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations

Contact Lens
A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations
February 2023

Don’t cry for me because I’m already dead…dead tired that is.

Red-eyed, with slurred speech, grasping weakly to find purchase on the table to try and not slide out of my chair, I emerge like a disheveled butterfly from the first couple weeks of interviewing prospective Spring Agents and collapse on the couch shortly after.

It is indeed that time of year, one mired in reading, more reading, and then listening, lots of listening. Occasionally talking, but as they say, the interview process should be a 70/30 affair (with the interviewee speaking 70% of the time, and the interviewer speaking 30%). Of course, this is difficult for someone like myself that struggles to shut up at the best of times, but I’ve learned to quell the raging storm of bland stories and unwanted opinions that swirl inside me at all times. One might be surprised to know that these articles prove to be an excellent outlet for the never-ending commentary that runs through my head!

I, as always, remain the most eternal of optimists when it comes to the veritable potential of our pending hires. I just cannot help but shout from the rooftops to positively exclaim with delight the quality and quantity of candidates that we’ve already seen. What does next week hold? Likely more lengthy conversations and tiring days, but in the end, it’s always worth the effort when trying to land the best and brightest our employment pool has to offer!


In a simpler time, interviews used to be held in physical rooms, as illustrated above.

Josef Rosenberg - Contact Centre Manager