Training Standards Committee - Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Training Standards Committee - Looking Back and Looking Ahead


After completing another successful year, the Training Standards Committee (TSC) wants to express its gratitude to everyone who continues to support the integrity, dedication, and growth of published Training Standards developed by our committee. 


In 2022 the TSC achieved many significant milestones:

What is on the 2023 TSC priority action plan?

Enhancing the profile of the important work done by the TSC in the digging community and with infrastructure owners is designed to better engage more diverse perspectives and expertise. With more robust capacity the TSC will achieve important business plan milestones designed to constantly improve and refine the training standards. The TSC exists to deliver tangible benefit to both the TSC member organizations and the thousands of supervisors and workers in the industry committed to the Best Practices embraced in the endorsed training programs "STANDARDS”. 


If you are interested in getting involved with our committee, please reach out to myself or Michelle Finnigan ( for more information. Dig Safe in 2023!


Travis Mackie – Training Standards Committee Liaison