Software Updates Coming to a Locate Request Near You!


By Tasha Hunter, USP Technical Administrator

Before You Dig Partners (BC1Call, Utility Safety Partners, Sask1stCall and ClickBeforeYouDigMB) has been hard at work helping to develop and test a new OneCallAccess user interface for the excavating community. This new and improved site will be easier to navigate and should make the process of requesting a locate smoother for everyone. 

The new user interface (UI) will increase usability for users who prefer to log in using mobile devices. The new UI is built on a responsive platform so it will adjust to the screen size it is being displayed on with all the same features and no loss of functionality. Want to place a locate request in a rural area using your cell phone but are finding it difficult to find the area on the map? The new site will allow you to search by land description now — something missing from the current mobile app. Need to re-notify an asset owner that you are waiting on a response? No need to go back to the office — set a reminder using your mobile device.

There will be new features, such as the “Message of the Day” page. BYDP can post messages here for ground disturbers to let them know of upcoming industry events, news in the excavating community and other pertinent information that the public should be aware of. Another new feature is the ability to save a request mid-entry. Have you ever found you get halfway through a locate request and need to gather more information before you can complete it? No need to discard your request and start over later. Now you can save your incomplete ticket and finish it at your convenience. 

While we are still currently in the testing phase of implementation, we are confident the new request page will be available for use this fall. Keep an eye out for announcements and dates for the new launch! Updated webinars and training documentation will be available for excavators once the new interface is online. As always, BYDP welcomes feedback and suggestions. We strive to make the experience as easy and straightforward as possible and recommendations from the public who use our site on a regular basis is always helpful. After all, safety is everyone’s business,