Happy Canada Day

By Mike Sullivan, President, Utility Safety Partners

The British North America Act (BNA Act) created Canada on July 1, 1867. The following year on June 20, 1868, Governor General Lord Monck signed a proclamation requesting all Her Majesty’s subjects across Canada celebrate July 1. It wasn’t until almost 10 years later, though, in 1879 that a federal law made July 1 a statutory holiday as the “Anniversary of Confederation,” which was later called Dominion Day.

Canadians from coast to coast to coast celebrate our beautiful country on July 1 with parades, fireworks, community events, barbeques, walks and runs, music and smiles and laughter. And why not? We live in one of the most desirable countries on earth! Many of us who were born here take our bounty for granted but for countless Canadians who chose to come seeking a better life, it is their reaction to Canada Day festivities that reminds me of how fortunate we truly are.

While some say Canada and Canadians are more divided than ever today, there is far more that binds us than divides us. We have freedom to move from one province to another to experience the geographic wonders and cultural gifts every community has to offer. These gifts enrich and improve our lives. Whether it’s the taste of freshly cooked lobster at a Nova Scotia lobster fest, seeing the majestic Rocky Mountains for the first time, the smell of the sea as it rolls across Victoria, the feeling of snowflakes landing on your face or the sound of the Peace Tower bells as they ring from the central axis of our Parliament Buildings, these are just some of the sights and sounds that make us Canadian. 

However you plan to celebrate Canada Day, I sincerely hope you’ll take a moment to reflect on our collective fortune of being Canadian. And, if you have the opportunity, perhaps make a stranger’s life a little happier that day and show them you care. A gesture of kindness, a warm smile, or a moment of your time is often all it takes to make someone happy.

Happy Canada Day from all of us at Utility Safety Partners!