Empowering Excellence: Advancing Training Standards in 2023

By Travis Mackie – Accountant, Utility Safety Partners and TSC Liaison

The recent Utility Safety Conference held in Red Deer provided us with valuable insight and feedback from the digging community, which has shaped the TSC's initiatives for the year ahead. We are excited to share some of the key initiatives that will drive the TSC in 2023.

1. Strengthening Collaboration with Dig Safe Ambassadors (DSAs)

The TSC values the input and expertise of the digging community, and the Dig Safe Ambassadors (DSAs) play a critical role in promoting safety and best practices within the industry. Building on the feedback received, we are pleased to announce our commitment to collaborating more closely with the DSAs. The TSC will be purchasing tablets for the DSAs, providing an efficient means for them to interact with the community and receive valuable feedback.

2. Boosting Awareness and Promotion of GD 101 Standard

The USP Ground Disturbance 101 Standard is the newest standard within our training offerings, providing basic ground disturbance knowledge and skills to professionals in the industry. In response to the conference feedback, we have made it a priority to enhance the awareness and promotion of the GD 101 course. We recognize the immense value it brings to individuals seeking conventional ground disturbance information. Through strategic marketing campaigns, increased online presence, and collaborative efforts with industry associations, we aim to reach a wider audience and ensure that the GD 101 course becomes the go-to course for the everyday ground disturber. 

3. Expanding TSC Membership and Broadening Industry Stakeholder Engagement

To strengthen our impact and represent a wider range of perspectives, the TSC will actively pursue an increase in membership while broadening the spectrum of industry stakeholders. This initiative aims to bring together professionals from diverse backgrounds, including utility companies, regulatory bodies, educational institutions, and more. By welcoming fresh perspectives and engaging a broader range of industry stakeholders, we can foster innovative approaches to damage prevention training standards and ensure they align with the evolving needs of the industry.

4. Enhanced Accessibility through Website Optimization

The TSC is committed to facilitating easy access to training courses for aspiring learners. In response to the feedback received, we are trying to create an easily accessible icon or drop-down tab on the main page of the utilitysafety.ca website. This enhancement will enable students to quickly locate training providers who offer the GD 101 and GD 201 courses. By streamlining the search process, we aim to ensure that our courses are easily accessible. 

These initiatives reflect the TSC's dedication to continuous improvement and the empowerment of professionals in the industry. As we embark on this transformative journey, we encourage your active participation, feedback, and engagement. Together, we can shape the future of training standards, promote excellence, and cultivate a safer and more efficient industry.