USP’s Daily Safety Moment

By Mike Sullivan, President, Utility Safety Partners

Today, most meetings begin with a "Safety Moment;" a short info-bit promoting safety awareness that resonates with everyone. It could be as simple as ensuring your vehicle’s windshield washer fluid is full before a long drive or promoting enhanced awareness of school zone speed limits. There truly is an endless list of safety topics to choose from but, when you’re put on the spot to present one, you’ll often find none come to mind!

Fear not! Utility Safety Partners promotes an ongoing list of useful Daily Safety Moments and encourages you to visit and follow us on Twitter @Utility_Safety to find them. Just type in #DailySafetyMoment in your browser search field and begin scrolling the various tweets. We’re sure you’ll find something helpful.

And in that light, here’s a timely Safety Moment to incorporate in all early September meetings!

“School buses will soon be back on the road. Stay four or five car lengths back if you see a school bus stopped. This allows other vehicles behind you see the flashing lights. #Alberta #DailySafetyMoment”