USP Industry Recognition Awards – Locator of the Year

By Sher Kirk, Operations Director, Utility Safety Partners 

Last month, we posted an article announcing the new Utility Safety Partner Industry Recognition Awards, with a spotlight on Excavator of the Year. This month’s focus is Locator of the Year.

In late September, the following guidelines and nomination forms will be posted on and nominations will open in October:

Program Overview
Utility Safety Partners (USP) wants to recognize locators in Alberta that represent the fundamental principles of safety, advocacy and participation that make up USP’s core values. Each year, USP will award the title of Locator of the Year to one deserving recipient.

You may nominate a peer or industry colleague, an organization or you may self-nominate to be considered for the Locator of the Year. Review the criteria below and if this sounds like you or someone you know, complete and submit the Nomination Form between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31. 

Criteria and Qualifications
Minimum Requirements

Additional criteria

In addition to the minimum requirements, consideration will be given to the following:

USP Programs and Participation

Next month: Member of the Year