Contact Lens

A Closer Look at USP’s Contact Centre Operations
October 2023

By Josef Rosenberg, Contact Centre Manager, Utility Safety Partners

October has arrived, and with it comes the wind, snow, sleet and, of course, ice (at least for those of us in Alberta). While not impossible, digging has become significantly more challenging, and amateur gardeners and semi-professional shrubbery designers have hung up their pruning shears and dirt spades for the season. While professional excavators, pipeliners, and civil engineers continue to sate societies' needs for holes, stuff to put in the holes, and planning out those holes accordingly, everyone else is putting on their woollies and avoiding leaving the house for five to seven months.

Of course, with the arrival of the snow we see the departure of a portion of our staff as the homeowners begin to hibernate for another year. From many we become few, and with less calls, emails and chats, we instead turn our attention to…

…well if you’ve read my articles before, you know that we spend a lot of the winter reviewing documentation and boy howdy 2023-2024 is no exception! Once again we are tweaking and refining our Performance Management Program (this will be the perfect implementation, I can taste it!). That said, while we updated last winter as well, our results in 2023 were actually spectacular! I feel as though we really managed to capture the most accurate view of our agent performance so far, but I know we can do even better in 2024! October 2024’s article will focus on these successes — you heard it here first.

This is the kind of ephemeral joy that can only be felt at the end of a successful season