Preparing for Wildfire Season

Sher Kirk - Operations Director, Utility Safety Partners

With 47 wildfires already burning in Alberta, we can expect that this summer will bring more evacuations and challenges. The threat is real.

During a wildfire emergency, USP’s role is to maintain normal emergency procedures and to support utilities by updating contact information frequently to keep critical locate requests getting to and from the boots on the ground. The most important thing to remember in an emergency is that it is NOT the time to change procedures. By following established protocols and continuing to call in Emergency Locate Requests in advance of heavy equipment crossings or digging firebreaks, we can prevent compounding the danger to responders who are working near pipelines and overhead power.

Key elements influence how successful we are in handling emergency situations like a wildfire: Level of Preparedness, Awareness/Communication, Response, and Recovery.


Alberta government agencies and emergency responders have been preparing for wildfire season for months. What can you do to be prepared? Some tips from  




Do NOT return home until the authorities have cleared you to do so.

Be prepared. Stay safe. Remember to Click Before You Dig – especially during an emergency.